martes, 29 de abril de 2008

Dessert Carnival

She is my cute daughter. She is cooking "tortas fritas"
Cielo have a blog so amazing :The house in the roses, and She organiced "Dessert Carnival"
Las tortas fritas son una tipica comida Argentina "criolla" para disfrutar en una reunion y tomar mate, son la compañia ideal y tan sabrosas! Siempre se preparan por tradicion los dias de lluvia. Asi que los dias grices y lluviosos de invierno en Argentina se endulzan con "tortas fritas" con "dulce de leche" y "mate"!!
Harina 0000 500 g
Agua 50 cc
Levadura fresca 20 g
Margarina 50 g
Huevos 2
Aceite c/n
Paso a paso:
Coloca la harina tamizada en un bol y hacer un hueco en el centro. Colocar el agua, la levadura, la margarina, los huevos y el aceite.
Unir los ingredientes y amasar hasta lograr una masa tierna y suave. Cubrir con un lienzo y dejar reposar por 30 minutos.
Estirar la masa de 2 mm de espesor aproximadamente, corta círculos de 7 cm de diámetro, realizar una cruz en los discos con un cuchillo de forma bien profunda para que no se eleven.
Cocinar en abundante aceite caliente (o grasa) hasta que estén doradas de ambos lados. Retirar y escurrir sobre papel absorbente.
Espolvoréar con azúcar común.
The "tortas fritas" This is the most popular and tradicional Argentinian dessert. "Criolla". You can eat with Milk Jam "dulce de leche" with company the "mate". is traditional its preparation in rainy days.

Flour 0000 500 g
Water 50 cc
Brewer's yeast 20 g
Margarine 50 g
Eggs 2
Oil c/n
Step by step:
1 To put the flour sifted in a bowl and to make a hole in the center. To place the water, the brewer´s yeast, margarine, eggs and the oil.
2 To unite the ingredients and to knead until obtaining a tender and smooth mass. To cover with a linen cloth and to let rest by 30 minutes.
3 Approximately to stretch the mass of 2 mm of thickness, cut circles of 7 cm of diameter, to make a cross in discs with a knife of deep affluent form so that they do not rise.
4 To cook in abundant hot oil. To retire and to put on absorbent paper. Sprinkle sugar on "Tortas fritas"
so easy!!!!!and so very tasty! you can eat with "Dulce de leche"
Milk jam - This is the most popular and tradicional of all preserve in Argentina. It will found as filling in a majority of all pastries, cakes, sweets and other confectionary products.
Ingredients: Every liter full-cream milk, 300 grams sugar, a vainilla bean to taste, 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda. A tablespoon of honey: the secret.
Preparation: Boil whole milk and sugar with the vainilla bean and the pitch of bicarbonate of soda, over a rather quick fire until milk takes a little color. Continue over a minimum fire, barely simmering, stirring frequently to avoid sticking to the bottom and possibly scorchimg, until thick. Remove from the heat, add a tablespoon of honey and stirring. Save in jars: it keeps for months. No cornstach or potato starch I suggest.
I hope you enjoyed!
Marina From Argentina xoxoxoxoxoxoox
Thank so much Cielo for your nice Dessert Carnival
Virtual Party! You are invited 22 nd may!Te invito a mi fiesta virtual el 22 de mayo. Click in Virtual party for Explanation.

21 comentarios:

  1. Hola...

    They look delicious... I must try them...

    Nice blog you have here... I will visit often.



  2. Hello Marina:-)

    Your tortas fritas look so very delicious and as you say, the recipe for them seems easy enough! I've so enjoyed seeing all these desserts from around the world today...I think I've gained weight just by looking at all the pictures! lol Thank you so much for sharing your dessert with us today:) xo

  3. Hello Marina,
    Thanks for your entry in my blog and your lovely comments.
    Your tortas fritas sound very nice!! Maybe I will try to make it some day.
    Best regards from Belgium.

  4. Hi Marina! Thansk for your nice comments on my blog. I visited your's yetsreday but your dessert post wasn't up yet. Thansk for including the recipe in English. I sometimes like to do themed dinner & would love to do an Argentinian (or is it Argentine?) dinner. Your dessert would be perfect!

  5. Hi Marina,

    Thanks for leaving the kind words on my blog! Your dessert looks delicious!

    It's nice meeting you!

  6. I was so happy to have you visit my blog. Your recipe looks amazing. It's been fun to see the different desserts from around the world. :) Lynn

  7. Que lindo se ve todo... tu patio, las tortas fritas, tu preciosa hija Josefina... me encanta todo.

    Gracias por participar, y nos vemos en tu fiesta muy pronto....

    Un beso grande


  8. Marina, tus tortas fritas se parecen a nuestras sopaipillas, con la diferencia que las tuyas son dulces, y las de acá tienen zapallo y sal. Al parecer tu hija disfruta con su elaboración. Abrazos.

  9. Hi Marina,

    The tortas fritas look so good. My step-dad used to make those for us all the time, yum!

    Happy May Day to you.

    I think it's about time I put you on my blog roll since I'm coming here all the time. I'm going to run back and do it right now!

    I've got your Virtual House Party copied to put on my blog, but am not going to put it up until late next week.

    Happy Day!

  10. Que riiica receta!!
    Muchas Gracias!

  11. Looks delicious, what a clever little daughter you have helping mummy in the kitchen, Thanks for sharing the recipe :)

    cheers from Australia, Adla

  12. hi Marina, your daughter is very beautiful..just like her mother. love this post, i'll put a note on my next blog about 22nd may, dont miss my next post as i am posting on tibet:) big hug to josefina :)

  13. The tortas fritas look wonderful! Yummy!! I really love that thermos!I've never seen one decorated so pretty. This is my first visit to your blog. I will be back. It is so fun to see people in other parts of the world doing the same things I do. I sell vintage and antiques also. Love old stuff!! I would like to participate in your virtual party...but I don't think I have any pictures of my house decorated for a party or holiday...I'll have to look. Thank you for posting in english I'm sorry to say it's my only language...other than pictures...hurray for pictures!! They are universal!!

  14. Uhh mi debilidad!! tortas fritas! doy mi reino por ellas! jajajaa

    Me ha encantado tu sitio, sobre todo por su calidez. Veo que compartimos gusto por la decoracion, la muñequitas Sara Kay y los museos! Tu fotografia es muy buena!

    Me ha encantado tu visita, yo tambien amo Argentina ya que vivi 15 años alla. Guardo muy lindos recuerdos.
    Espero encontrarnos en una de tus visitas por mi pais.

    Cuentame un poco mas de tu fiesta virtual!


  15. ¡¡¡Que cosas más rica!!! mmmmm dan ganas de hacerlas y comerlas estas frias tardes de invierno, muy bella tu hija Marina.

  16. Con lo que me gustan las tortas fritas,hace un monton que no las hago...mmmm
    Me parece que este finde pongo mano en la masa.
    Un besote enorme.

  17. Hola marina!
    Gracias amiga por tu visita y tus palabras de elogio, sos una ternura!

    Te queria decir que si tenes una direccion de msn vendria genial para poderte explicar lo de los videos , asi mientras lo vas probando estoy ahi del otro lado de la linea ayudandote! Si no llegas a tener mandame una dire de mail para mandarte un paso a paso!

    besos enormes desde Hurlingham a Leloir

  18. MMM las hare de todas maneras, mira que mi hermano Ivan es fanatico del mate... aca en Chiloé se toma tanto mate como alla, herencia de ustedes....
    Y como siempre, mis felicitaciones a tu bella Chef..
    Un abrazo grande desde la hermosa, mágica y mitológica Isla de Chiloé...
    Susana Minna

  19. I had to check out a blog se llamada "Solo Cosas Lindas"! Y cuanto me gusta! Tu sabes hablar ingles muy bien. Way better than my spanish!! And you're very brave to even try! Todas las "bloggadoras" (yo se que no es una palabra!) de Argentina son muy amables!!


  20. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am glad I have had a chance to come visit yours. Your desserts sound great! I hope to see you again soon.

  21. These sound and look yummy. Your daughter is so very cute!
    Miles of smiles,


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