Siesta Key/Pictures by Marina Capano |
Siesta Key es un cayo frente a la costa centro-oeste de la Florida en los Estados Unidos de América. Está situado entre la Bahía de Sarasota y el Golfo de México, a una hora al sur de Tampa.
El área es parte del Condado de Sarasota, prestigio de la Florida , que es conocida por su ambiente limpio y hospitalario y es considerado el epicentro cultural de la Florida.
Siesta Key es famosa por sus playas de arena blanca, aguas claras y cálidas y además preserva la naturaleza tropical. Es un paraíso, su arena blanca y suave, es simplemente hermosa. Caminar en esta arena es un sueño.
Siesta Key is a barrier island off the central western coast of Florida in the United States of America. It is situated between Sarasota Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, about an hour south of Tampa.
The area is part of Florida's prestigious Sarasota County, which is known for its clean and hospitable environment and is considered the cultural epicenter of Florida.
Siesta Key is famous for its white sand beaches, clear, warm waters and tropical nature preserves. It is a paradaise, Its white and soft sand, is just beautiful. Walk in this sand is a dream.
Divertida decoración con billetes de un dolar en un bar de Siesta Key
Funny decor with one-dollar bills in a bar in Siesta Key
If one day visit this beautiful place, you 're invited for looking for the $ 1 bill with my signature For more pretty Outdoor Wednesday please visit Susan, our wonderful hostess. Marina