Yo estoy muy feliz de participar en el 3rd Blogger Craft Challenge! Yo hice una caja Vintage. Esta foto me recuerda a toda la gente inmimigrante que vino a mi lindo pais desde 1900. Mis ancenstros son italianos. Mi abuelo paterno vino a la Argentina en barco cuando tenia 7 años con su enorme familia. Ellos buscaban el "sueño americano".
Hi! I am very happy in particip in 3rd Blogger Craft Challenge! I made vintage box. This picture I remember all inmigrant people what went in my nice country since 1900. My ancestry were Italian. My grandfather went in boat from Italia with him big family when he had 7 years old. they to have a look for "American dreams"
Hi! I am very happy in particip in 3rd Blogger Craft Challenge! I made vintage box. This picture I remember all inmigrant people what went in my nice country since 1900. My ancestry were Italian. My grandfather went in boat from Italia with him big family when he had 7 years old. they to have a look for "American dreams"
Marina Xo xo